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Crap and stuff

Well, I thought I had a part-time job working for a Company That Will Not Be Named. See, CTWNBN, had a listing at their website for a full time job. I filled out the form and it generated an immediate appointment to go in and talk to HR people. I went and met with people and found out at that interview the posting online was a lie, it’s really a part time job. I figured who cares, part time is better than nothing and all seemed to be going well, had their drug test, etc. Went to orientation and had one day to go in and work and see what the job would be like. CTWNBN said they’d call us once everything was in place for us to start. About 5 days later I still hadn’t heard from them so I called the only person who gave me his card, the HR guy. He returned my call to tell me that they didn’t need any of us after all. We no longer had jobs with CTWNBN. I was so angry. Were they even going to bother to call us to tell us we no longer had the job? Why did it take ME calling THEM? Big JERKFACES! I’d love to post all over the web who CTWNBN really is and how they jerked me and a bunch of other people around for a week. But I wont say who they are because well, that’s bad form these days. You just don’t talk about your employer or even a potential employer online. If the company is smart they have Google Alerts set up for when they’re mentioned online. And policies for how to deal with employees who do stuff like that as well as policies not to hire people who do it. But yeah… part time job is gone the job search continues. I just keep getting kicked around. It’s very soul crushing and I’m tired of it all. Maybe I should have taken that “phone booker” job.

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