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Sick of being sick

I am so tired of being sick. I’ve been hacking and dripping for the past week. My throat got all sore and it has been hard to swallow much of anything. I’m tired of tea and water. I really want a big frothy cocktail. I want to eat a giant bowl of ice cream. But I know I need to avoid dairy because it increases phlegm, and because it does other mean things to me. After the weekend of hacking so hard it made me vomit. In addition to keeping me from sleeping for more than half an hour at a time. I made an appointment with my doctor. Yes I realize I have no insurance, but…dude…this SUCKS. She looked at my throat, listened to my lungs, looked in my ears and took my temp (not in that order – my temp was 101!). She said, “I’m not going to bother sending this in for the strep test, we’re just going to treat it. It looks painful.” I am now on antibiotics, but I’m still coughing like crazy. It’s only day two, but still. I’m only sleeping like 2 hours at a time before another attack comes on, coughing so hard I vomit. The coughing makes my throat hurt again, right when it was getting better. And it’s not like I’m coughing crap out of my lungs. I do not feel wheezy in any way. My lungs feel clear. It’s all this crap caught in my throat. It’s gross. I’ve tried the home remedies of gargling with salt water, gargling with cayenne pepper water, drinking diluted apple cider vinegar. None of them help all that much. And the neti pot to clear my nose…that’s just horrible. My eyes water and ugh…yuck. It helps a bit, but ick…

So I’ve been lying on the couch watching bad TV. Monday wasn’t so bad since there was a West Wing marathon. But today was nothing but crap on the TV. I caught up on some of the shows I’ve got recorded, but ya know, I’m just tired of being sick. I’m bored with this. I wish I could scare the germs away like the people on Paranormal State do with the ghosts in their houses. “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! THIS IS MY HOUSE!” I want do do that “I’M DONE BEING SICK! GET OUT OF ME! THIS IS MY BODY AND I DON’T WANT TO BE SICK ANYMORE! GO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE SICK!” If only I could do that.

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