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Very Ineresting…

Check this out…

I found this at Neil Gaiman’s website. A court in Florida ruled that same sex marriages between one person who is transgender and another who is not can legally be married for example… Say Ray decided he wanted to be Regina and realizes he’s not a hetrosexual woman in a man’s body but a homosexual woman in a man’s body. Yes Ray discovers that he’s really a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. He goes through all you need to in order to physically become Regina. The Florida court has ruled that As Regina, she can marry her gal Susan who was born a female and is also lesbian. According to that court ruling a man can marry another man as long as at birth one of those men was really a female and the other way around, two women can marry as long as at birth one of those women was male.

Very interesting…. I wonder if that’s what the court had in mind?

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