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About the Dread Pirate Alice

Pirate Alice came about when a co-worker found an anagram generator and had it send a list of anagrams of my name to me. Upon seeing that my name is also Pirate Alice I decided that moniker would be my new online persona. That was back in 1997. I’ve always loved how it confuses and then interests people when they first hear it and then ask me, “Why Pirate Alice?” The domain PirateAlice.com was taken when I first decided to leave Geocities and Blogger for the greener pastures of my own domain. So, as a fall back, I was inspired by the movie, The Princess Bride and the Dread Pirate Roberts to create DreadPirateAlice.com

I am addicted to all forms of media. From radio to television to print and online. I’ve always had a love for TV shows and movies.  I work in email marketing as my day job.  I love to do research and teach others the things I learn. I also enjoy inspiring others to be the best version of themselves they can be. 

For more about what I do and have done you can check out my LinkedIn Profile

Want to contact me? Send a message to: talktome at dreadpiratealice.com

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