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Ishtar emerges!

New cat Ishtar has been coaxed out of hiding. In this shot she is keeping her eyes on Mabel who is sitting in the kitchen quietly watching.

Posted via email from Piratealice’s posterous


  1. Karen B. says:

    She’s a cutie! Can’t wait to see them cuddled up together. Or not. But perhaps in the same frame.

  2. Sam says:

    you mean thats not mabel?

  3. Melissa says:

    Are you sure that’s not Mabel? 😉 She’s a cutie!

    1. dreadpiratealice says:

      Nope, that’s not Mabel. Mabel has a patch of white on her face. If I can get Ishtar to look straight at the camera. You’ll see her face is all black.

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