Dread Pirate Alice Rotating Header Image


As some of you may know, I have no qualms about removing people from my life. I have chosen to surround myself with supportive, loving people who care about me and treat me the way all people deserve to be treated. When I hear about people I care about being treated poorly by others, it makes me mad. I know that others feel they are obligated to keep up long term relationships for whatever personal reasons they may have, but honestly, do you want someone who is toxic in your life?

Whether it is an x-lover, friend, relative, co-worker or boss. If this person makes you feel like crap, treats you badly and is all passive-aggressive with you. Why the hell are you keeping them around? If you saw this person treat your BFF or your child the way they are treating you, wouldn’t you kick that person in the ass and say, “take a hike!”

Call me cold, call me uncaring, but when my friend told me how she was treated by someone she considered close to her, I told her to chuck that jerkface to the curb. That person OBVIOUSLY doesn’t care about her so why have them in your life? And she will be reminded of this with every single future interaction she has with that person. The behavior will never change and there is no sane reason in this world to put up with it.

Keep the haters and self absorbed jerks away. Surround yourself with love and positive energy, it will change your view of the world.

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