Not much has been going on, just the same old crap. My computer has decided to act like a spoiled child. It started turning off for no reason, and the keyboard and mouse would also just stop working. It has been sent to the home of a wonderful person who will shame and beat it into submission. This same lovely person has been so kind as to give me a loaner laptop. This laptop has spoiled me senseless. I get to sit on my couch, watch TV, tweet, poke around on Facebook, keep Mabel company and have my feet planted right in the path of the heater…ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! I KNOW! Awesome huh? I totally love it. She’s worried I miss that pissy, piece of shit computer. I don’t, not at all. Well, I sort of miss the music, but I’ve got my iPod which has everything on it. And I’ve got my external hard drive to save my pictures and any documents I need onto. So really… I’m not missing anything except some bookmarks, which I seem to be doing just fine without.
In other news, I’m going to attempt to do a detoxifying cleanse. I’ve never done one before and I found one that allows you to eat food while you’re on the cleanse so you will never be hungry. I think I’ll be OK with it. You make green juice out of whatever green vegetables you want (they recommend kale, celery, cucumber, wheat grass and sprouts) and drink that all day. In addition to the juice you’re allowed to eat raw vegetables. No processed foods, no refined sugar, no animal flesh, no grains. It sounds like I can have fruit, which I’m excited about cuz I love fruit. As many know my views of fruit is it’s like eating fun. Fruit is a tasty piece of excitement in your mouth. I don’t know how anyone could not like fruit. The only fruit I don’t care for is grapefruit. It’s just too sour, never liked the stuff. Is coconut a fruit? I don’t care for the texture of coconut. But all other fruits, I love them. And for those who know my insanity of being a picky eater, I feel safe with this cleanse since they want you to eat raw vegetables. The variety of raw vegetables I like is a much longer list than that of the cooked veg that I will eat. When I learned you could eat salad without salad dressing I was amazed at how salad was actually good. Yeah, I wouldn’t touch any salad dressing when I was a kid. It all looked really gross to me. I think the one thing I’ll miss the most during the next two weeks is peanut butter. Oh how I LOVE peanut butter. And lately I’ve taken to baking bread. Although, the latest loaf taught me that you can’t rush bread and you really should start baking early in the morning. You need to give it time to rise, you can’t jump forward to the next step if you don’t let it rise. The bread still tasted good, it is just pretty dense.
If you want to follow along with the cleanse experience you can read about it over on the Finding Thin blog. Starting Monday is the “pre-cleanse” and then the following week is the actual cleanse. Yeah, two weeks without my beloved PB&J…how will I survive? And yeah, no soda either! I’ve finished the last of it that was in the house, so.. it’s only water now. Maybe some herbal tea if I’m really craving something. So please, join me over at the Finding Thin blog and follow along.