I am not a freak when it comes to harassing smokers. If they want to smoke that’s their business, I’ll provide an ashtray. However, this morning a smoker annoyed me.
My train station is next door to the Pepperidge Farm factory. Wonderful smells emanate from the factory morning and evening. I love the smell of the baking bread. Sometimes there’s a hint of cinnamon in the air. It is a wonderful way to start your day.
This morning though, a WOMAN* was walking in front of me and suddenly my baking cinnamon bread smell was tainted with cigarette smell. Dammit I was downwind of a smoker. And she was going to the same car I was. Rather than stepping off to the side to take the last few drags from her fag, she climbs into the doorway of the train, takes a puff and exhales her smoke INTO THE CAR! Then she takes one more drag before tossing the remaining cigarette on to the tracks and EXHALES AGAIN INTO THE TRAIN! I don’t want to climb into her smoke and have that smell permeate my clothing! Frakkin RUDE WOMAN! I don’t want to stink like cigarettes for the rest of the day! GOSH!
Have a little respect for the other passengers. Step aside smoke your damned cig and blow the smoke AWAY from the train… BITCH! Don’t be all polluting my air WOMAN
* I say WOMAN as a curse – Like you’d say “That WOMAN” when you don’t want to say the person’s name.