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Food Network

Anthony Bourdain Speaks

Anthony Bourdain has a guest blog post over at rhulman.com where he totally rips on Food Network. We all know how much I love watching folks cook over there, but he totally nails it in his post. I have NEVER liked Sandra Lee, yes I own some Rachel Ray cookbooks but she does grate on my nerves with her “yum-o” and “EVOO” nonsense. And c’mon it’s a SANDWICH not a SAMMY for cryin out loud. I like Giada, she does make some great food. But those teeth…GAA! Her face is all teeth and that kinda creeps me out.

He blasts Paula Deen, but I like Paula. She uses way too much butter in everything, but she’s entertaining and her food looks really good, unlike Sandra Lee’s food that all looks kinda gross and those tablescapes she puts together…who’s got time for all that?

Go check it out, it’s a great quick read!

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