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Crafting Confessions

The Truth Behind the Mittens

OK, so people find the mittens to be lovely. But I’ve got a confession to make.

If that picture was a “forensic photo” with the ruler for scale…you’d see that they are about a foot long and like 6 inches wide. They are ENORMOUS and the one that is on the bottom, is bigger than the other one.

That’s right…the pattern said that one skein of Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky would work. Well, the one skein made one mitten and 1/3rd of the other. Sunday night called for a trip back to Michaels to get another skein so I’d have my mittens to wear today.

I know, I know…you’re supposed to do a gauge swatch before you begin. PFFT! Gauge swatches are for SISSIES! Just like reading the directions on how to assemble things is for losers with no notion of creativity. So what if you’re short on parts, that’s the fun of it!

So, yes… my mittens are closer to the size of oven mitts than normal mittens, See:

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