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1. Woke up with the song “Mairzy Doats” stuck in my head.
2. Dreamed about staying home from work today.
3. Also dreamed about sharing a house with LG, and the only way to get upstairs was to climb on a chair, stand on a Pringles can and crawl through a hole in the ceiling.
4. Frickin jerkwad on the train stood in the vestibule holding the door open so that the cold air could blast into where you sit and blow around your feet.
5. Stupid “fashionable” jeans with the giant bell bottoms only let air blow up your pants and make your ankles and legs freeze. Why can’t pants have NORMAL bottoms that are straight down from your knee to ankle?? WHY?!?
6. Gotta bake cookies for T’s thing tomorrow.
7. Getting NEW and SAFE oven tomorrow. It’s got convection and a second oven/warming drawer. I can bake TWO things at once at different temperatures!
8. Trying to decide if I should wait and bake the cookies in the new oven or just get it over and done with and not chance it. Cuz you know, if I wait until the new oven arrives, it wont show up until like, 7pm.
9. I left my office sweater at home. I’m currently wrapped in my fancy IKEA blanket at my desk. No one has made fun of me yet.
10. Only one person has noticed the glowing USB Snowman on my computer. People around here are just SO NOT aware. Either that or I just don’t get enough visitors.
11. I forgot to charge Q last night…phone’s dead today. I hate having to charge this thing EVERY DAY!
12. Was going to bring the cord to work to charge it while I sit here, but I think I left it on the couch as I picked everything up. It was NOT in my bag.
13. My awesome Mary Engelbreit Purse broke. The handle snapped right off. I’m so ticked. The thing isn’t even a year old yet. That’s like the 3rd bag that has broken within months of getting it. I’m once again using the ugly green bag with a big hole in it until I can A) get Mary fixed or 2) Find a new/better bag.

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