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What did you learn today?

As I was packing up my stuff yesterday getting ready to leave I hear BBM (Big Boss Man) talking to tech boy.

BBM: My computer is doing that rope-a-dope thing again
TB: What’s wrong with it?

And I’m just shocked… Cuz BBM is like as old as my mom would be if she was still alive. People that age shouldn’t be using phrases like “rope-a-dope” I wasn’t even sure what “rope-a-dope” meant or how it is properly used in a sentence. All I know is that the Beastie Boys say it during one of their songs I think it’s a song on the Paul’s Boutique album, cuz that’s the only one I have.

When I went and talked to TB about BBM using that phrase, TB was equally puzzled and also admitted that he wasn’t sure how to properly use “rope-a-dope” in a sentence.

So, I looked it up. The internet will answer all your questions. Google is wise. Google is your friend.

Rope-a-dope from Wikipedia apparently it is a boxing term coined by Muhammad Ali. It’s when a boxer lays on the ropes. The strategy is for the boxer to lie on the ropes conserving energy while the other guy beats him. Hopefully the other guy will get tired and open up a weakness allowing the “rope-a-doper” to kick his ass.
The term has also been taken from boxing to describe when a person puts himself in a losing position only to eventually become the winner.

I’m still not exactly sure why in whatever Beastie Boys song they shout out “rope-a-dope” and I’m also not sure when I picked up the entire Hello Nasty Beasie Boys album either, but apparently it is on my iPod. There’s another album to recover once the boy sorts out the hard drive. (yeah, he still hasn’t gotten around to telling me if it is good or if I need a whole new one)

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