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Dumb kids

Yesterday was so beautiful I spent a better part of the afternoon sitting on the deck looking out over my back yard…

Suddenly I see movement in one of the houses that are still being built. I wonder if perhaps the owners have come by to check on the progress. When I notice it’s 3 teenagers, one boy and two girls, wandering around the contstruction sites. They walk around to the house that’s nearly done and I see them crawl into an open window to the basement. I ponder calling the police and go inside to ask the boy what he thinks. He steps outside on to the deck and then we see the kids again. They’re wandering the less constructed house now. The one girl begins climbing onto the ladder that leads to the roof of the house. The boy walks to the end of the fence and shouts, “Is that your house?” and the one girl is like “dude!” And the boy says, “what are you doing? That’s not your house, you shouldn’t be climbing on there.”

And the kids run off down the street (and I mean down the middle of the street…not on the sidewalk)

The whole time I’m thinking…”let her climb up there and kill herself…one less stupid person to foul up the gene pool”

But we got rid of the stupid kids. Now I feel like a grouchy old lady…yelling at the kids in the neighborhood. But hey…if they’re stupid enough to play around a construction site, they deserve to get yelled at.

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