From the Chicago Tribune
White women lag in pay among college graduates
Associated Press
Published March 28, 2005
WASHINGTON — Black and Asian women with bachelor’s degrees earn slightly more than similarly educated white women.
A white woman with a bachelor’s degree typically earned nearly $37,800 in 2003, compared with nearly $43,700 for a college-educated Asian woman and $41,100 for a college-educated black woman, according to data being released Monday by the Census Bureau. Hispanic women earned $37,600 a year.
The bureau did not say why.
Economists and sociologists suggest several possible factors: the tendency of minority women, especially blacks, to more often hold more than one job or work more than 40 hours a week, and the tendency of black professional women who take time off to have a child to return to the workforce sooner.
Employers in some fields may give financial incentives to young black women, who graduate from college at higher rates than young black men, said Roderick Harrison, a researcher at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.
Among men, a white with a college diploma earned in excess of $66,000 a year, according to the Census Bureau. Asians earned more than $52,000 a year, Hispanics earned $49,000 and blacks more than $45,000.
Regardless of race or sex, a college graduate on average earned over $51,000, compared with $28,000 for someone with only a high school diploma or equivalent degree. College-educated men typically made $63,000, compared with $33,000 for men with a high school education. Among women, a college grad earned more than $38,000, compared with nearly $22,000 for a high school graduate.
OK…so why can’t this country get it’s crap together and just start paying everyone man, woman, black, white, hispanic etc the SAME MONEY for the SAME JOB?! Why would we pay ANYONE less money based on their age/gender/race/orientation/hair color/shoe size? I can see paying someone based on EXPERIENCE, but for anyone to make more money for any reason OTHER than that is just wrong… stupid bosses….