Dread Pirate Alice Rotating Header Image

February 21, 2003 @ 9:17


There’s nothing I hate more in this world than being sick. Right now I’ve got the hacking cough, the runny nose, aching head and general all around run down feeling. I’ve been taking as much over the counter stuff as I can stand added with the asthma stuff and allergy stuff I’ve got. But none of it seems to be helping. There are times when I think perhaps I’ve got Anthrax….but then my brother tells me in a very matter of fact way, “you don’t have Anthrax” and then he lists off the symptoms to check and be sure that’s not what I’ve got. So now I’m thinking perhaps I’ve got the Hantavirus but I’m quite sure my brother will tell me in the same matter of fact way, “you don’t have the Hantavirus”.

I really wish someone would just come over here and shoot me now to put me out of my misery. I can’t take anymore of this. Ugh….

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