Dread Pirate Alice Rotating Header Image

August 7, 2002


Last night was a big night on the town with the Snotty Girls. We had some margarita madness. I had maybe a few too many. And for the first time in a REALLY LONG TIME I was beyond the “my feet are numb” stage of margarita drinking. We were smart margarita drinkers and we took public transport home… and on the entire ride every thought in my head was in haiku form. Here are a few of the ones that I felt were just a little too icky to post to Snotty Bitch.

I sneeze out the snot
gooey, sticky, slimy hand
all over pants now

sit on the toilet
strobe light for the cats on/off
they just don’t get it

Mabel’s claw is stuck
in the blanket in closet
she is stuck, I laugh

Empty apartment
is it for rent? I must see
no sign visible

Subway sign “open”
or is it “nope” rearranged
I am so confused

And finally….

This is the one I can’t belive I wrote down….. oh man…

fuck me, fuck me hard
I need your dick inside me
penetration – cum

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